MakeDir FolderName$

    FolderName$ = The Folder name of the directory you wish to create
Returns: NONE

      MakeDir will create a new directory.


      * Before you use MakeDir, always check if the FolderName doesn't already exist. If you try and overwrite an existing directory that previously existed, PB will stop and return a run time error.

Mini Tutorial:

      This example will create a blank file on the C: Drive called "TestFile.txt" , it then displays the info about this file and then removes itself.

; Get the location of the windows Temp dir
; Check if the FOlder Already exists ?
  If FolderExist(ThisDir$)=false
   ; Display a message that we've created a Temp Dir
     Print "Creating Temp dir at:"+ThisDir$
   ; Create a Directory called PB_MarkDir_Test in
   ; the WindowsTemp folder
     MakeDir ThisDir$
; Check if the FOlder exists ?  if so, delete it
  If FolderExist(ThisDir$)=true Then DeleteDir ThisDir$
; Display the screen and wait for a key press

This example would output.

  Creating Temp dir at:C:\Windows\Temp\PB_MakeDir_Test

Related Info: :

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