Result = ROL8(ValueToRotate, Bits)

    ValueToRotate=Value that will be rotated
    Bits=Number of bits the value will be rotated

     ROL8 is a bitwise operator that rotates an 8 bit value bitwise to the left.

      Bitwise rotate simply rotates the bits in a value. For example, if you have an 8 bit value (byte), its binary representation is 0000 1111. If you rotate that byte two times to the right, you get 1100 0011. The two bits that were in the least significant position are now in the most significant position, and all the other bits are shifted over.


      * ROL32, ROL16, ROL8, ROR32, ROR16 and ROR8 may alter sign of the rotated value.

Mini Tutorial:

Showing the effect of bitwise left rotation function.
Try different value, or different numbers of bits to rotate.
Replace ROL8 with ROL32 or ROL16
; Value that will be rotated
  Value = 42
; display this value in binary form
  Print Bin$(Value)
; rotate value by 4 bits
  Value = ROL8(Value, 4)
; Display new value in binary form
  Print Bin$(Value)
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

This example would output.


Related Info: AND | LSL16 | LSL32 | LSL8 | LSR16 | LSR32 | LSR8 | Move16 | Move8 | OR | ROL16 | ROL32 | ROR16 | ROR32 | ROR8 | XOR :

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