LoopMusic Index, State

    Index = The Index of Music you wish to resume
    State = Looping ON or OFF
Returns: NONE

LoopMusic allows you activate automatic looping for a music channel.


* You can't change the Looping state while a music is playing.

* You can also find this Example in the PlayBasic\Projects\Music folder

* Beware: Some Music Mod formats (I.e. MOD, XM etc) can be set up (by the music author) to never end, as such, those tracks will loop regardless !

Mini Tutorial:

This example will load a music file then let the user control the musics playback with various keyboard controls.

; Ask PlayBASIC for the Music Index that is currently free for use.
; Load a Music File into this Free Music
  LoadMusic "..\..\..\Music\Ambient.xm",MyMusic
; Activate Looping for this music channel
  LoopMusic MyMusic,true
;  Play the Music
  PlayMusic MyMusic
; Display the Status of MyMusic
  Print "Music Status:"+Str$(GetMusicStatus(MyMusic))
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

Related Info: DeleteMusic | GetFreeMusic | LoadMusic | MusicVolume | PauseMusic | PlayMusic | ResumeMusic | StopMusic :

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