Ypos# = GetSpriteVertexY(SpriteIndex, VertexIndex)

    SpriteIndex = The Sprite you wish to query
    VertexIndex = The vertex you wish to read ranges between (0 and 3)

    Ypos# = The Y position of this vertex
     The GetSpriteVertexY function returns the position of a sprite corner vertex. This position is post rotation & scaling.

      The corner vertex of a sprite are ordered in a clock wise fashion. Vertex zero being the Top-Left, Vertex One is the Top-Right, Vertex three is the bottom/right and Vertex four is the Bottom-Left

So if the image isn't rotated, they'd look like this.

| |
| |
| |
| |


      * GetSpriteVertexY returns the position of the vertex after rotation and scaling have been applied to the sprite.

      * Also see PositionSprite, ScaleSprite, RotateSprite

Mini Tutorial:

      This example creates a random image, creates 10 randomly positioned sprites on the screen using this image.

      The main loop rotates the sprites and draws the bounding egdes via reading the sprites vertex positions.

; Make a Blue image, with circle on it
  Cls RGB(0,0,255)
  For lp =0 To 100
     CircleC Rnd(100),Rnd(100),Rnd(5),1,RndRGB()
  GetImage 1,0,0,100,100
  PrepareFXImage 1
; Make 10 sprites
  For spr=1 To 10
   ; Create the sprite
     CreateSprite Spr
   ; psition the spriotye randomly on the screen
     PositionSprite Spr,x,y
   ; assign this sprite Image #1
     SpriteImage Spr,1
   ; Set Sprite Drawmode to rotated
     SpriteDrawMode Spr,2
     CenterSpriteHandle spr
     SpriteCollision spr,on
   ; Set sprite collision to Rotated rectangles
     SpriteCollisionMode Spr,1
     Cls RGB(0,0,0)
   ; start for/next loop from 1 to 10
     For spr=1 To 10
      ; Turn this sprite
        TurnSprite spr,spr*0.33
      ; Read the Sprites Vertex positions
      ; Draw lines to connect the edges
        Line x1#,y1#,x2#,y2#
        Line x2#,y2#,x3#,y3#
        Line x3#,y3#,x4#,y4#
        Line x4#,y4#,x1#,y1#

Related Info: GetSpriteOldX | GetSpriteOldY | GetSpriteOldZ | GetSpriteVertexX | GetSpriteX | GetSpriteY | GetSpriteZ :

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