CollisionState = ImageHitSpritePixels(ImageIndex, ImageXpos, ImageYpos, SpriteIndex, Accuracy#)

    ImageIndex = The Image index you wish to compare against the sprite
    ImageXpos = The X coordinate of the image
    ImageYpos = The Y coordinate of the image
    SpriteIndex = The Sprite Index to check for collision against
    Accuracy# = The level of accuracy that should be used.

    CollisionState = The result of the collision query (0= No collision ,1 = Collision)

      The ImageHitSpritePixels function performs a pixel level comparison between an image and a specific sprite. Since images have no position, we need to supply the function with the coordinate of the image. This will be the top left hand corner of the image. The function uses the images width and height to create a region to check if the two zones overlap. If the sprite is sharing the same space then it'll do a pixel level comparison. If there's an impact it'll return true(1), otherwise it'll return a false.

Example Accuracy Values
      0.25 = Reduce collision accuracy to 25%
      0.50 = Reduce collision accuracy to 50%
      0.75 = Reduce collision accuracy to 75%
      1.00 = Set collision accuracy to 100%
      2.00 = Set collision accuracy to 200%


      * The Accuracy parameter allows the user to fine tune the quality of the pixel level sprite collisions. Generally speaking the lower the quality the faster the comparison. On the flip side the higher the quality the more accurate, but slower the comparison. It's up to the user to choose an accuracy level that is appropriate for your images and the performance of your game.

      * Pixels level collisions ignore the sprites transparent colour, and perform best with FX formatted images.

      * Also see SpriteCollisionMode


Example Source: LOGIN to Download This Example
  Global CollisionMask=NewImage(sw,sh,2)
  // Draw some circle for some collision hot spots
  RenderToImage CollisionMask
  For lp=0 To 50
     Circle Rnd(sw),Rnd(sh),50,true
  // clear our a chunk where the player is going to be dropped
  CircleC sw/2,sh/2,100,true,RGB(0,0,0)
; Create player image.. In this demo the player is a blue circle
  RenderToImage PlayerImage
  CircleC 32,32,32,true,255
; Create player sprite
  SpriteDrawMode PLayer,2
  SpriteCollisionMode Player,6
  SpriteCollisionDebug Player,off
; Main loop
  SetFPS 60
   ; set the cursor
     SetCursor 0,0
   ; Draw the backdrop
     ShadeBox 0,0,sw,sh,c1,c2,c1,c2
   ; Draw the collision Mask image so we can see what we're hitting
     DrawImage CollisionMask,0,0,true
   ; handle moving the player
     MoveX#=(LeftKey()*-PLayerSpeed#) + (RightKey()*PlayerSpeed#)
     MoveY#=(UpKey()*-PLayerSpeed#) + (DownKey()*PlayerSpeed#)
   ; draw the sprites
   ; refresh the screen and loop back to the DO statement.
Function MoveMe(ThisSprite,MoveX#,MoveY#)
  SpriteTint ThisSprite,$ffffff
  If Movex#=0 And Movey#=0 Then Exitfunction
  // Get it's current position
  PositionSprite ThisSprite,x#,y#
; Check if this position hits the collision mask
  If ImageHitSpritePixels(CollisionMask,0,0,ThisSprite,1)
     SpriteTint ThisSprite,RndRGB()
     // iof it did, try and resolve
     If Dist>0
        For lp=1 To Dist
           PositionSprite ThisSprite,Basex#+(lp*nx#),Basey#+(lp*ny#)
           If ImageHitSpritePixels(CollisionMask,0,0,ThisSprite,1)=true
     PositionSprite ThisSprite,x#,y#
Related Info: CircleHitSprite | EllipseHitSpritePixels | PointHitSprite | PointHitSpritePixels | QuadHitSprite | QuadHitSpritePixels | RayHitSprite | RectHitSprite | RectHitSpritePixels | ShapeHitSprite | SpriteCollisionMode | SpriteHit | SpritesOverlap | TriangleHitSpritePixels :

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