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 PlayBasicFX V1.70s Direct 3D Update Released

By: Kevin Picone Added: November 2nd, 2007

Category: All

PlayBasicFX V1.70s Direct 3D Update Released

This release patches releases PB1.63m to PB1.63q retail revisions to the current retail release version of PBV1.70s. Therefore you'll need to install patch PB1.63m (at least) prior to this one ! (if you haven't already)

The PB1.70s package includes updates of PB Compiler, Release / Debug Runtimes.

Release 1.70 represents PB's transformation from a DirectDraw based application to a DirectDraw / Direct3D based application. News features include 3D hardware acceleration, entity sprites, Particle Engine, Perspective 3D rendering modes and much more. Obviously this is no small shift, virtually everything has been rebuilt from the ground up. While every effort has been made to retain backward compatibility with PB1.63, but only where it makes sense to do so. So you'll find some commands have been removed (since they no longer make sense), and some commands have been modified.

Performance wise, even in it's largely un-optimized state 1.70 is able to outperform 1.63. This is not a by product of Direct3D, just rather the cleaner way modules tie together. Obviously to gain the best performance and take advantage of Direct 3D you'll have to modify you're existing code. Which is normally as simple as loading a images are 3D image rather than stand video or FX images. If you choose to use 3D sprites, you can of course still use Pixel perfect collision on them !

Have fun !

Screen Shots

There are too many new features packed into PB1.70 to bother going over again (just re-read this blog) or check out the screen shot WIP blog ( with code examples) on the UW forums.
Screen Shots of PB1.64 to PB1.70

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