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 PlayBasic V1.64k In Final Testing

By: Kevin Picone Added: December 8th, 2009

Category: All,Upgrade,Beta Testing

     We've been working very hard on the next retail upgrade of PlayBasic, which will be V1.64k - This edition focuses upon adding a number of new flexibilities to the core language, ranging from expansions to User Defined Types, Seven new Math operators, Optional Parameters Support in not only built in functions but users defined functions, Dynamic Function Calling (Call a function by name at runtime), Limited Array operators, Dynamic Array Creation (return arrays from functions) as well as Passing/Returning Individual Types from Functions/Psubs. All in All, there's a lot of new toys for you play with !

     Prior to starting work on V1.64K, we'd planned upon including not only a range of new language features, but more expansions to the graphics engine also. However, given the scope of this work. We've decided to split the upgrade into two halves, V1.64k will be the language changes, while V1.64L will be mostly graphical changes. This enables us to ensure the functionality of the product out there in the real world. (You know, running user code ).

     In terms of release dates, my best estimate at this point, is that we'll see a release of PlayBasic V1.64 sometime within the next week.

     Head over to our PlayBasic forums to check the PlayBasic V1.64k Work In Progress thread out, for more nitty gritty!. There's still lots more changes to come !



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