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 PlayBasic V1.64M Entering Final Beta Testing

By: Kevin Picone Added: November 25th, 2010

Category: All,Upgrade,Beta Testing

    PlayBasic V1.64M Entering Final Beta Testing

     After six months work, upgrade V1.64M has entered the final stages of development and testing. In fact, the current version (if all goes well) will become the release version. Upgrade V1.64M has a lot of global changes from current V1.64L revision, covering all of the core commands sets, such as Fonts, Maps , Shapes, Sprites, debugger, optimizations and of course bug fixes. Therefore, if you've been living in cave most of the year or just holding off the urge to get involved, now is the time! - It's really important registered users test their programs with the current build, so we work out any final gremlins before release. To do so, head over to the PlayBasic Forums and download the latest beta (38 at the time of writing)

     For those not following the work in progress blog on the forums, the following snippets (from that thread) should help get you up to speed. For more detail (code snippets/ bigger pictures), read the entire thread on the forums.

Work In Progress Gallery

    Visit the PlayBasic V1.64m Work In Progress Gallery for bigger pictures / movies, code examples and of course downloads.



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