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 Retro Innovation Entry Round Up

By: Kevin Picone Added: February 26th, 2006

Category: All,Competitions

Official Retro Innovation Entry round Up

Well, it's finally over, and the two months of frantic slaving over a hot keyboard (for competitors ) has resulted in some wonderful games for's PlayBasic Retro innovation competition.

At the time of writing we've officially had four successful entries (listed bellow). While there's a few still outstanding, that haven't been able to met the deadline. Hopefully, they'll still make a submission though. We would hate for their hard work to be wasted!

Entry Over View
>> Archon by Magnus Esko <<
>> AtsroBreak by Tommy Haaks <<]
>> DigDug by Team Calypson <<
>> JetPak by Ian Price <<

Screen Shots

(listed in alphabetical order!)

>> Archon by Magnus Esko <<


>> AtsroBreak by Tommy Haaks <<


>> DigDug by Team Calypson <<


>> JetPak by Ian Price <<


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