ShiftShape ShapeIndex, Xoffset#, Yoffset#

    ShapeIndex = The Index of the shape you wish to shift
    Xoffset# = The amount to add to the X coords
    Yoffset# = The amount to add to the Y coords
Returns: NONE

      ShiftShape shifts the vertex within a shape a required distance. it works by simply adding the X & Y Offset values to each vertex X & Y positions within the shape.


      * When a shape is shifted, the ShiftShape command changes the original vertex values.

Mini Tutorial:

      This example creates a convex shape, shifts the vertex, then rotates and draws it.

; Limit the Speed of the program to 100fps or less
  SetFPS 100
; Create a Convex MySHape, of size 50, with 6 edges
; Shift the Shapes vertex to 25 pixels to the RIGHT (x axis)
; and 30 pixels down the y axis
; This will change the Shapes Axis (it's center of rotation)
; so it will appear to wobble now when it rotates
  ShiftShape MyShape,25,30
; Start of Do/loop
   ; Clear the Screen
     Cls RGB(0,0,0)
   ; Rotate Shape
     RotateShape MyShape,Angle#,1
   ; Bump and wrap the rotation angle
   ; Draw the Filled shape
     DrawShape MyShape,100,100,2
   ; Showthe origin (0,0) of the shape  by drawing a circle
   ; at coordinate
     CircleC 100,100,4,true,$00ff0000
   ; Check the arrow keys, if any are down shift
   ; the shift in that directions
     If UpKey() Then      DirectionY=-1
     If DownKey() Then      DirectionY=1
     If LeftKey() Then      DirectionX=-1
     If RightKey() Then      DirectionX=1
   ; Move the shape in this direction (if any)
     ShiftShape MySHape,DirectionX,DirectionY
   ; Display the screen and wait for a key press

      This example outputs,

Related Info: DrawShape | RotateShape | RotateShapeXY | ScaleShape | ScaleShapeXY :

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