Shapes / Creation
CreateConvexShape Create a convex vector shape
CreateShape Create a vector/polygon shape
GetFreeShape Get a Shape index that is free to be used
NewConvexShape Create a convex vector shape
NewShape Create a New Vector Shape and retrun its Index
Shapes / Load & Save
LoadNewShape Load a new shape from disc
LoadShape Load a shape from disc
SaveShape Save shape to disc
Shapes / Deletion
DeleteAllShapes Delete All vector shapes from memory
DeleteShape Delete a vector shape
Shapes / Copy & Merge
CopyShape Copies a shape
MergeShape Merge two shapes into one
Shapes / Vertex Commands
GetShapeVertexX Get the X position of Shapes Vertex
GetShapeVertexY Get the Y position of Shapes Vertex
GetShapeVerts Get the number vertex a shape has
SetShapeVertex Set a Shapes Vertex's X & Y coords
Shapes / Edges Commands
DeleteShapeEdge Delete a shapes edge
GetShapeEdge Get the Vertex Index from a shapes edge
GetShapeEdges Get the number edges a shape has
GetShapeEdgeStatus Get the status of a shapes edge
SetShapeEdge Set a Shapes Vertex's X & Y coords
Shapes / Update Commands
RefreshShape Refresh Shapes Bounding Box
ResizeShape Resize the number Vertex/Edges in a shape
ShiftShape Shift the Vertex in a shape
Shapes / Drawing
DrawShape Draw a shape
Shapes / Rotation & Scaling
RotateShape Rotate and Scale a shape
RotateShapeXY Rotate and separately Scale shape on X & Y axis
ScaleShape Scale a shape
ScaleShapeXY Scale a shapes X & Y axis separately
Shapes / Collision
BoxHitShape Check if Box intersects shape
CircleHitShape Check if Circle intersects shape
GetShapeDebug Query the Shapes debug state
LineHitShape Check if Line / Ray intersect shape
PointHitShape Check is Point is within a shape
ShapeDebug Enable Shapes Debug Mode
ShapeHitShape Check if two shapes intersect
Shapes / Status
GetShapeStatus Get the status of a shape
Shapes / Quantity
GetShapeQuantity Get the Max Number of Shapes Available
ShapeQuantity Expand the Max Number of Shapes available

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