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 PlayBasic V1.49 Released

By: Kevin Picone Added: September 17th, 2006

Category: All

PlayBasic V1.49 Demo + Retail Updates Released

This release represents the another big step for PlayBasic, with many new exciting expansions being added to PlayBasic engine. Including pseudo 3D support , limited 32bit Alpha Channels, dynamic Array and Trig helper commands plus a very healthy 25% boost in code execution performance !

25% Faster ?

Yes, that's correct! PB1.49 is up to %25 faster than the previous demo release V1.44. This has been achieved through the addition of our custom expression optimizer! Who's job is to remove any redundant operations that can occur when resolving formulas. Generally speaking the optimizer may only remove one or two operations from your average expression. But every operation you remove, increases the runtime performance.

We've tested PB1.49 demo with our standard bench marking code. The test performs various math & variable assignments operations for 10,000 iterations each. On our standard test machine (Duron 800mhz) PB1.44 struggles to execute it 10.6 seconds, while PB1.49 executes the same in 7.75 seconds.

3D Support ?

While PlayBasic is a primarily 2D language (and still is), some users have expressed interest in explore some 2.5D and 3D programming. As such, we've implemented some low level support for building your own custom 3D engine in PB. This support ranges from vertex management (rotation) through to mesh translation and scene clipping. While your not going to get results rivaling Doom3, you can achieve some very interesting effects and will no doubt learn a lot about the inner workings of 3D engines.

PlayBasic Demo Now Has 60 Days of Coding Fun !

Those who've downloaded previous PB Demos would have noticed the 30day trial period. Which sounds like a long time to an experienced programmer!, But what if your not ? As for many, PlayBasic is often one the first programming languages they have used. So in order to allow new users time to learn, experiment and grow with PB, we've doubled the trial period to 60 days. Have fun !

Download PlayBasic V1.49 Demo

PlayBasic V1.49 Retail Patches

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Please Note: Existing PB customers should signup to our forum in order to Download Patches ! (it's free!)



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