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 PlayBasic V1.63g Retail Patch Available

By: Kevin Picone Added: June 11th, 2007

Category: All

PlayBasic V1.63g _Retail Patch_ is Now Available

This release patches the existing PB1.089c / PB1.33 & PB1.44 retail releases, plus all of the subsequent retail patches (v1.11 up to 1.63e) to the current retail release version of PBV1.63g.

Release PB1.63g includes PB Compiler, Release / Debug Runtimes & Help files. This is a re-release of sorts to correct a few chestnuts found in the PB1.63e release. The issues found mainly related to VM2 memory manager and the recently optimized (cough) rewritten libraries for it (strings engine, file system).

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