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 PlayBasic Tutorial 1- Hello World Lesson

By: Kevin Picone Added: December 28th, 2010

Category: All,Tutorials,Video

     This simple 'fly-on-the-wall' tutorial is aimed at those brand new to PlayBasic programming. The lesson introduces the first time programmer to some of the core commands found in the PlayBasic language.

    The objective of this lesson is to demonstrate how to display text messages such as "Hello World" using the PRINT command. Rather than learn about the boring bits such as Variables / Arrays and control loops up front, here we just want to get something on screen quickly. As such, the tutorial focuses solely upon the PRINT, INK, RGB, SYNC and WaitKEY commands.

    The tutorial is captured in 1440x * 900y resolution. So we recommend watching it in the highest resolution you can. As some of the on screen text can get a bit small otherwise.

    Music By:

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