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 PlayBasic V1.33 Released

By: Kevin Picone Added: April 29th, 2006

Category: All

PlayBasic V1.33 Demo + Retail Updates Released

Phew, finally we can bring you latest PB demo. Release V1.33 is massive step from the five month old V1.089 release. So the changes are considerable, we've virtually gone over every inch of the package, from documentation (1104 documented commands), Examples & Tutorials (over 400) through implementing many improvements to the language syntax, runtime and graphics engine. The end result is, a lot of bang for your buck !

There are too many individual features and improvements to list, but here's a bit of a cross section.

* Explicit Variable declaration
* Many New Libraries including (Windows Dialogs, Windows GUI, Mappy loader, Linked Lists, Data Packer, Maps etc)
* Pointers & Type improvements
* ActiveX/Net dll support
* Flash support
* Vertex rotation & polygon mesh support,
* More sprite render and various new special combined Blit Image modes
* More Machine code MMX optimizations in 15/16 and 32bit graphics modes
* FX Maps support.
* Faster runtime code execution & Superior runtime error trapping,

and more

For more information about PlayBasic, please visit the PlayBasic home page, download the demo and dive right on in..


Publish PlayBasic Games

Have you written a game or application in PlayBasic ? Need a publisher ?. Well, we'd love to promote your work on our site and through our news letter, free of course !. If your interested, email us.


Take Me To Download Latest Patch

Important!: You must be registered (on these forums) to download patches.


Changes since Last demo release. (From PB v1.089 to PBv1.33)

Read the Full History/Release annoucement on our PB forums

Play Shape - Vector Collision

Shape collision is one the best keep secrets in the PlayBasic sprite engine. Shape collision allows for not only ultra fast rotated, scaled sprite collisions. But other cool features like calculating ray intersections, finding the nearest points and even reflecting and rebounding projectiles. One thing that was missing though, was a tool to assist users creating collision shapes. Introducing PlayShape

Play Shape is very simple editing tool. It allows the user to load an Image, scale & position it, then create outlines around the solid (hard) pixel areas. Once your done, you can load the saved shapes directly into PB and experience a whole new level of sprite collision.

Play Shape


In keeping with the demo house cleaning we've been going through. I decided to knock up a newer game demo to include in the demo package. Most of the existing demo's were written by the original PB beta testers, some eighteen months or more ago. As such, there pretty out of date. So I wanted to put something together that was more a representation of what's viable now. The result is the Axis demo.

AXIS is an old school shooter, where the player takes on a array of aliens with minimal art and a bunch of effects. While it's loosely playable, the objective was more to demonstrate the usage of the some of the Sprite Alpha blending features. Most of which, are probably going a tad over the top. So It's Not the most elegant looking thing I've ever seen.

It also features vector shape and rotated sprite collisions, so it's well worth investigating

Axis Thread

PlayBasic Code Tank Opens

One thing that has become obvious in recent times, is the need for a dedicated resource where PlayBasic users can share examples & tutorials with others. As such, we've very proud to announce the availability of the PlayBasic Code Tank. Please feel free to load your PlayBasic creations. Have fun !

Take Me PlayBasic Code Tank !

Clever Coders Order Here

To coincide with the release of PB1.33 we've offering 'CleverCoders' a 25% discount off the normal retail price until the 7th of May 2006. To receive the discount simply enter CleverCoders in the coupon field (at the bottom) the ordering page bellow.

Order PlayBasic Now



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