Angle# = GetAngle2D(X1, Y1, X2, Y2)

    X1 = X position of viewer
    Y1 = Y position of viewer
    X2 = X position of target
    Y2 = Y position of target


      GetAngle2D returns the angle (in degrees) between two given points. X1 and Y1 defines the position of Point #1 (the viewer), while X2 and Y2 define the position of Point 2 (the target).

Mini Tutorial:

      This example uses the GetAngle2D function to calc the angle between a vector shape and the mouse pointer

; Create a triangle shape to represent the viewer
; Define some variables to hold the viewers position
; Start of the program main loop
   ; Clear the screen to black
     Cls RGB(0,0,0)
   ; Get the X & Y coordinates of the mouse
   ; Draw a Circle at the Mouse Position
     CircleC mx#,my#,10,1,RGB(255,0,0)
   ; Get the Angle/direction of the mouse
   ; from the shapes perspective.
   ; Rotate the shape to face this direction
     RotateShape Viewer,angle#,1
   ; draw the shape so we can see it
     DrawShape Viewer,ViewerPosX#,ViewerPosY#,2
   ; calc (project) the end points of a line from the viewer.
   ; draw a line from the viewers Center (axis) to
   ; show it's direction more clearly
     Line ViewerPosX#,ViewerPosY#,RayEndX#,RayEndY#
   ; refresh the screen
   ; loop back to the do statement to keep
   ; the program running

Related Info: AngleDifference | CurveAngle | GetDistance2D | RotateToPoint | TurnDirection | WrapAngle :

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