Degrees# = RotateToPoint(ViewerX#, ViewerY#, ViewerAngle#, TargetX#, TargetY#, Tolerance#)

    ViewerX# = The X coordinate of the viewer object
    ViewerY#= The Y coordinate of the viewer object
    ViewerAngle# = The current angle of the viewer object
    TargetX# = The X position of the target object
    TargetY# = The Y position of the target object
    Tolerance# = The minimum difference in degrees, where object should not be rotated

    Degrees# = The number of degree these two angles differ

      RotateToPoint returns the direction that we need to rotate an object in order to face the target point. This is useful for making a game characters move/turn towards other characters/players.


      * RotateToPoint returns a zero when target point is within the required tolerance.

Mini Tutorial:

      In this example the user controls a test object. The object uses RotateToPoint to turn towards the target object.

; set the targets position and it's current angle
; init my angle
; Start of Do/LOOP
     Cls RGB(0,0,0)
   ; Calc what direction we need to rotate
   ; in order to face the raget
     If Direction#<>0
   ; Draw my position and angle
   ; DRaw the target
Function DrawObject(x#,y#,angle#,Col)
  CircleC x#,y#,10,false,col
  LineC x#,y#,x2#,y2#,col
  LineC x2#,y2#,x3#,y3#,col
  LineC x2#,y2#,x3#,y3#,col
  CenterText x#,y#,Angle#

This example would output.

  no Text Output

Related Info: AngleDifference | Cos | CosNewValue | CosRadius | CurveAngle | GetAngle2D | Sin | SinNewValue | SinRadius | TurnDirection | WrapAngle :

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