NewAngle# = WrapAngle(Angle#, AngleIncrement#)

    Angle# =Current angle value
    AngleIncrement#=Value that increments the angle parameter

    NewAngle# = The resulting angle after it's been wrapped within 0 to 359 degrees

      The WrapAngle function adds the Angle and Increment parameter together, returning the resulting angle wrapped to fit within 0 to 359 degrees.

Mini Tutorial #1:

      Showing the use of the WrapAngle function

; Set the angle value to 300
  Angle = 300
; increment the angle 6 times by 12 degrees
  For i = 1 To 6
     Angle = WrapAngle(Angle,12)
     Print Angle
  Next i
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key

This example would output.


Mini Tutorial #2:

This example displays the Angle# wrapped to 360 degrees as line on the screen.

  // Tell PB to limit to a program to a max of 60
  // frames (Syncs) per second
  SetFPS 60
  // STart of main loop
     // Clear the screen
     Cls RGB(0,0,0)
     // Draw a line to present ANGLE visually
     Line x#,y#,x2#,y2#
     // Bump the Angle and wrap it within 360 degrees
     // Display the Current angle#
     Print "Angle:"+Str$(angle#)
     // draw the screen

Related Info: AngleDifference | ATanFull | Cos | CosNewValue | CosRadius | GetAngle2D | RotateToPoint | Sin | SinNewValue | SinRadius | TurnDirection :

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