RefreshShape ShapeIndex

    ShapeIndex = The Index of the shape you wish to create
Returns: NONE

      RefreshShape allows you to manually refresh the shapes bounding box / circle size. Which is mostly used when drawing shapes or shapes are used for sprite collision. RefreshShape is generally only required if you've altered the shapes vertex or edges dynamically. If so, it's best to call it.


     * RefreshShape updates the shapes bounding box / circle sizes which is used for shape collisions and intersections with shapes.

Mini Tutorial:

This example creates a shape, defines

; Create MySHape, with room for 10 vertex and
; 10 edge connections
; Set the 5 vertex positions in this shape
; Set vertex #1, -50x,-50y
  SetShapeVertex MySHape,1,-50,-50
  SetShapeVertex MySHape,2,50,-50
  SetShapeVertex MySHape,3,50,50
  SetShapeVertex MySHape,4,-50,50
  SetShapeVertex MySHape,5,-20,-20
  SetShapeVertex MySHape,6,20,-20
  SetShapeVertex MySHape,7,20,20
  SetShapeVertex MySHape,8,-20,20
; Connect the vertex together to form the edges
; Connect outter edges
  SetShapeEdge MyShape,1,1,2
  SetShapeEdge MyShape,2,2,3
  SetShapeEdge MyShape,3,3,4
  SetShapeEdge MyShape,4,4,1
; connect inner edges
  SetShapeEdge MyShape,5,5,6
  SetShapeEdge MyShape,6,6,7
  SetShapeEdge MyShape,7,7,8
  SetShapeEdge MyShape,8,8,5
; Force PlayBASIC to Refresh this shapes Bounding box
;/ Bounding Circle of this, just in case you might be
; using it for collision or display.
  RefreshShape MyShape
; Enable Debug mode for the shape, which shows the Circle
  ShapeDebug MyShape,true
; Draw the shapes points
  CenterText 100,20,"Shape Vertex"
  DrawShape MyShape,100,100,0
; Draw the outline (edges) of this shape
  CenterText 250,20,"Shape Edges"
  DrawShape MyShape,250,100,1
; Draw the Filled shape
  CenterText 400,20,"Filled Shape"
  DrawShape MyShape,400,100,2

      This example outputs,

Related Info: CreateShape | GetShapeVerts | NewShape | SetShapeEdge | SetShapeVertex | SpriteCollision :

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