The GetWorldClosestPoint function locates the closest point within a world from a test point. This test is preformed with a user defined zone. The function returns a true(1) if the closest point was inside the test zone, and false when there's nothing close enough.
* GetWorldClosestPoint only calculates the closest point to line segments within a world. (Collision worlds)
* The closest point coordinates can be accessed using the GetIntersectX#/GetIntersectY# functions
* The closest point normal can be accessed using the GetNormalX# & GetNormalY# functions
Mini Tutorial:
This example has two main parts.
Part 1 - creates a test collision world. (collision worlds only have lines segments within them)
Part 2 - Checks a 400 * 200 zone around the mouse pointer, looking the closest impact point upon any lines segement within this zone.
; ============== ; Part #1 - create a world to collide with ; ============== ; Get the Screen size and use it as the world size WorldWidth=GetScreenWidth() WorldHeight=GetScreenHeight() ; create a Camera MyCamera=NewCamera() ; Create world MyWorld=NewWorld() CaptureToWorld MyWorld ; draw a series of boarder line for this world Line 0,0,worldwidth,0 Line worldwidth,0,worldwidth,worldheight Line worldwidth,worldheight,0,worldheight Line 0,worldheight,0,0 ; draw a series of polygon shaped obejct into the world For lp=1 To 10 xpos#=50+Rnd(worldwidth-100) zpos#=50+Rnd(worldheight-100) size=RndRange(30,100) angle=Rnd(359) Make_Convex(RndRange(3,20),xpos#,zpos#,Size,angle) Next lp ; Partition The world up into 32 by 32 cells PartitionWorld MyWorld,32 ; Tell PB to return to Immediate drawing mode DrawGFXImmediate ; start of programs main DO/Loop Do ; capture to scene and grab the world info CaptureToScene ClsScene CaptureDepth 100 CameraGrabWorld MyCamera,MyWorld ; Get the mouse position mx#=MouseX() my#=MouseY() ; =============================================== ; Find the closest impact point within a region ; =============================================== x1#=mx#-200 y1#=my#-100 x2#=mx#+200 y2#=my#+100 ; draw open box to represent this region BoxC x1#,y1#,x2#,y2#,0,RGB(0,255,0) result=GetWorldClosestPoint(MyWorld,mx#,my#,x1#,y1#,x2#,y2#) ; Check if any point was close enough to worry about If result<>0 ; Get the Closest POint ClosestX#=GetIntersectX#(0) ClosestY#=GetIntersectY#(0) ; draw circle at closest points position CircleC ClosestX#,ClosestY#,5,0,RGB(255,0,0) ; get the normals of this point NX#=GetNormalX#(0) NY#=GetNormalY#(0) ; draw line representing this points direction LineC ClosestX#,ClosestY#,ClosestX#+(nx#*20),ClosestY#+(ny#*20),RGB(0,0,255) EndIf ; draw the camera DrawCamera MyCamera ; show the fps rate and continue this loop Text 0,0,FPS() Sync Loop ; This function creates a convex polygon shape Function Make_Convex(edges,xpos#,ypos#,Size,angle) sa#=360.0/edges c=RndRGB() For lp=0 To edges-1 a#=angle+(lp*sa#) x1#=xpos#+CosRadius(a#,size) y1#=ypos#+SinRadius(a#,size) If lp<(edges-1) a#=angle+((lp+1)*sa#) Else a#=angle EndIf x2#=xpos#+CosRadius(a#,size) y2#=ypos#+SinRadius(a#,size) Line x2#,y2#,x1#,y1# Next lp EndFunction i |